miércoles, 17 de enero de 2007

Captain Loket

PIRATE NAME: Captain Loket.
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: She is Small with brown eyes and a black patch because the enemy hit in the eye. She has a black scar on the face because one day her enemy cut her face with a sword in a bloody battle. She has black beard. She has a tattoo of the skull and the crossbones in the arm.
CLOTHES: the last time we saw her she has a hook because in the same battle Blackbeard cut the hand, a black hat with a feather, a yellow t-shirt and a read and yellow coat.
DEEDS: she pulled the hair of 10 persons, stole all the shoes of the city. With a gun she killed 20 birds with 29 bollets, she killed her bast friend with a bulled in the heart and she destroyed 100 houses with a canon with 111 cannon balls.
REWARD: $100.7777 and 9 tresures of gold daiamonds and rubies.

By: Federico

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